Minutes – 7/19/23

Regular Meeting Minutes –July 19, 2023
The Churubusco Town Council met on July 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Scout Building. Members present were council members Devin Keener, Mark Pepple, and Nathan Van Horn; and Clerk-Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Others present was resident Brian Clark; Mike Duffy, DLZ; Bob Gray, Wastewater Superintendent; Rick Krider, Park Superintendent; and Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshal.
President Keener called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk called roll. All members were present.
Approval of Minutes- June 21, 2023:
Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve the minutes from June 21, 2023 as presented. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with President Keener abstaining.

Approval of Claims:
Claims Vouchers dated July 19, 2023 in the amount of $1,798,828.46 were presented and approved.
Public Comment:
There were no public comments.
Old Business:
1. There was no old business.
New Business:
1. CCMG Contract: Mike Duffy from DLZ presented the bids that had been open and read by Jeremy Hart, Madalyn Sade-Bartl, and Todd Thurber at the bid opening the previous day. Mr. Pepple made a motion to receive and accept the bids as opened and read aloud on Tuesday, July 18th. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.
Next, Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve the Certified Bid Tabulation prepared by DLZ, and approve API as the lowest, most responsive, and responsible bidder. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion carried 3-0. Mr. Pepple then made a motion to approve, execute and sign the Notice of Award and Form 96 awarding the project to API Construction for $ 1,660,062.00. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion carried 3-0. Finally, Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve the Owner-Contractor Agreement and CCMG/INDOT Fund Request Letter be signed outside of the meeting once bonds and insurance are received from the contractor and sent to INDOT. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion passed 3-0.
2. Approval of Pay Application 4- Crosby Construction: Ms. Bartl presented Pay Application 4 from Crosby for project A of the ongoing sewer project. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve Pay Application 4 in the amount of $106,249.57. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion passed 3-0.
3. Approval of Pay Application 2- API Construction: Ms. Bartl presented Pay Application 2 from API for projects C&D of the ongoing sewer project. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve Pay Application 2 in the amount of $138,043.79. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion passed 3-0.
4. Chocolate Turtle Façade Grant Application: Ms. Bartl presented a Façade Grant application for the Chocolate Turtle to the Council. She stated it had the approval of both Main Street and the Chamber. Mr. Pepple asked what rules there were for giving money to the same building owner within the same year. She stated it had been done before with several other past façade projects if multiple applications had been submitted. Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve the Façade Grant application for 105 S. Main Street in the amount of $4,877.13. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion passed 3-0.
5. Indiana Metal Roofing/The Roost Façade Grant: Ms. Bartl presented a Façade Grant application for Indiana Metal Roofing/The Roost and stated both Main Street and the Chamber had approved the applications. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve the Façade Grant application for 107 S. Main Street in the amount of $1,312.50. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.
6. RDC Re-Appointments: Ms. Bartl stated that with the laws concerning RDC composition changing, Mr. Boxberger had suggested the Council re-appoint the sitting members of the RDC to ensure they were compliant with the law changes. President Keener made a motion he would like to re-appoint Zachary Nolan, Lisa Fensler, and Deb Fitzcharles as presidential appointments to the RDC with a term to expire 12/31/2022. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion carried 3-0. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to re-appoint Stacy Keener and Rachel Eyermann as Council appointments to the RDC with a term to expire 12/31/2022. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.
Department Reports:
Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor:
Mr. Hart was not present but left the attached report.
Bob Gray, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor:
Mr. Gray stated all reports were in and construction had begun at the Plant.
Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshall:
Mr. Papenbrock stated he, Mr. Pepple, and Ms. Bartl were working on the SRO agreement. He also reported that he was unsure of when the truck that had been ordered last year would be in, but had emailed the Council with quotes to outfit the car, but shared he was probably going to be making some modifications that would lower the cost. Finally, he stated he was working with the Fire Department and Rescue Task Force to present a Train the Trainer program at the school on August 5 & 6. He said area departments would be attending the event and there would be a 2 hour information session held prior to the training on August 3.
Rick Krider, Park Superintendent:
Mr. Krider stated he was preparing the park for a 20-team tourney that was happening that weekend and trying to get the mosquitoes under control by spraying daily.
Andy Boxberger, Town Attorney:
Mr. Boxberger was not present.
Council Reports:
Mark Pepple:
Mr. Pepple asked about the progress of Michelle’s sidewalk that was damaged last summer. Ms. Bartl stated she was still awaiting receiving the check from the insurance company. Mr. Pepple also reported that he had spoken to the Legion about closing the alley between their building and 46 Graphics and putting temporary seating there. Ms. Bartl stated it had been something she and Mr. Hart had discussed, and it was on the capital improvements plan but nothing more had been done.
Devin Keener:
President Keener followed up on the Michelle’s conversation and asked about the railings on the other side of the street. Ms. Bartl stated John Forker was constructing them and had one almost finished.
Nathan Van Horn:
Mr. Van Horn had nothing to report.
Madalyn Sade-Bartl:
Ms. Sade-Bartl presented the attached report.
Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, Mr. Pepple adjourned the regular meeting.

Council President, Devin Keener

Council Member, Mark Pepple

Council Member, Nathan Van Horn

Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer

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