Resolution 2016-7: Resolution Adopting a Comprehensive Plan


WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Churubusco recognizes the importance of planning for the future growth and development of the Town and surrounding areas; and,

WHEREAS, the Town of Churubusco solicited input from the public and other stakeholders, and from that input developed a vision for the Town’s future; and.
WHEREAS, Sturtz Public Management Group, working in concert with Town staff and other stakeholders, developed a comprehensive plan to serve as a guide for the Town’s future growth and development, based on examining existing and future conditions, examples of planning practices from around the state, and input from stakeholders; and,

WHEREAS, the comprehensive plan contains recommendations in the form of goals, objectives and action steps, and a future land use plan; and,

WHEREAS, achieving the Town’s vision for the future will be accomplished through the implementation of the comprehensive plan; and,

WHEREAS, the comprehensive plan will be practically applied by utilizing the future land use plan as to guide growth decisions.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Council of the Town of Churubusco of Churubusco, Indiana hereby adopts the comprehensive plan including the future land use map, plan goals, and all plan recommendations.
DULY ADOPTED by the Town Council at its regular meeting held on the 18th day of May, 2016, at which meeting a quorum was present.

_______________________________ ATTEST:
Mark Pepple

________________________________ _____________________________
Bruce Johnson Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer

Frank Kessler, Town Council President

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