Meeting Minutes 1/17/24

Meeting Minutes – January 17th, 2024

The Churubusco Town Council met on January 17, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall. Members present were council members Devin Keener and Nathan Van Horn. Others present were Robert Gray, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor; Rick Krider, Park Superintendent; Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshall; Natalie Blessing, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer; and Tony Pollick, Busco Beans.
President Keener called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors, and let the Pledge of Allegiance. The Deputy Clerk called roll. Clerk Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl, and council member Mark Pepple were absent.
Approval of meeting minutes for December 20, 2023:
Minutes dated December 20, 2023 were presented and approved.
Approval of claims dated January 17th, 2024:
Claims Vouchers dated January 17, 2024 in the amount of $2,138,014.62 were presented and approved.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
New Business:
1. Election of officers: Mr. Van Horn said that Mr. Pepple had shown interest in being the Town Council President this year. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to elect Mr. Pepple as Town Council President. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0. Mr. Keener made a motion to elect Mr. Van Horn as Town Council Vice President. Mr. Van Horn seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
2. Pay Applications 10 & 11: Pay application 10 was presented in the amount of $522,638.00 and pay application 11 was presented in the amount of $501,966.32, both for Crosby Construction. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve pay applications 10 and 11. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
3. Pay Applications 1 & 7: Pay applications 1 & 7 were presented in the amounts of $52,504.60 and $13,162.25 for API Construction. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve pay applications 1 & 7. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
4. Resolution 2024-01: Write-off Expired Warrants: Mr. Keener explained that there were three outstanding checks to be written off. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-01: Write-off Expired Warrants. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
5. Resolution 2024-02: Write-off Bad Debt: Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-02: Write-off Bad Debt. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
6. Resolution 2024-03: 2023 Encumbrances: Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-03: 2023 Encumbrances. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
7. Resolution 2024-04: 2023 Appropriation Transfers: Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-04: Appropriation Transfers. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
8. 2024 Solid Waste District Payroll Contract: Mr. Keener presented the contract for the Solid Waste District Payroll. He explained the terms had not changed from the previous year’s contract. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve the 2024 Solid Waste District Payroll Contract. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
9. Busco Beans Façade Grant: The council was presented with an application for a façade grant for Busco Beans. Mr. Keener welcomed the owner of Busco Beans, Tony Pollick, to the community. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve the façade grant for Busco Beans in the requested amount of $2,499. Mr. Keener seconded and motion carried 2-0.
10. Humane Society Contract: Mr. Keener explained that the terms of the 2024 Humane Society contract were the same as last year. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve the Humane Society Contract as presented. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.

Department Reports:
Jeremy Hart, Water/Street Department:
Mr. Hart was not present but provided the council with the attached report.
Bob Gray, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor:
Mr. Gray advised they were having trouble at the plant but were slowly getting it back to where it needs to be. Mr. Keener asked if there was anything they could do, but Mr. Gray advised it would just take time.
Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshall:
Mr. Papenbrock advised he is back in the office and will be back in uniform the beginning of February. He stated that all the end of year training had been completed, but there were some new requirements for 2024 and he would need to attend training for certain certifications. He also advised that the Rescue Task Force was still going, and they had another training for that next week.
Rick Krider, Park Superintendent:
Mr. Krider advised they were all caught up back at the park. They have been working on things inside, including the concessions. Mr. Krider also brought up that in the future they may need to look at replacing or reinforcing the fence around the playground. He also brought up that he has had a lot of community interest in sand volleyball courts back at the park.
Andy Boxberger, Town Attorney:
Mr. Boxberger was not present.
Council Reports:
Devin Keener:
Mr. Keener had nothing to report.
Mark Pepple:
Mr. Pepple was not present.
Nathan Van Horn:
Mr. Van Horn had nothing to report.
Madalyn Sade-Bartl:
Ms. Bartl was not present.
Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, Mr. Keener adjourned the regular meeting.

Council President, Devin Keener

Council Member, Mark Pepple

Council Member, Nathan Van Horn

Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer

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