Meeting Minutes- August 7, 2013

Meeting Minutes- August 7, 2013


The Churubusco Town Council met on August 7, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Members present were President Frank Kessler, Council Members Alan Malcolm & Mark Pepple, and Clerk-Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Also in attendance were area residents Pat Liggett, Roger Bayford, Dewey Fredericks, Linda & Barbara Deck, Denise Geiger, and a couple who wished to not be identified; Dave Crabill, Editor of the Churubusco News; Christie Barkley, Editor of the Post & Mail; and Town Marshal, Mike Engle.


Council President Frank Kessler called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called by the Clerk. All Council members and the Clerk were present.


Public Hearing concerning Ordinance 2013-08

President Kessler opened the floor for discussion of Ordinance 2013-08. Roger Bayford spoke saying he was against the ordinance as he felt it infringed upon individuals selling private property. President Kessler explained that was not the intent of the ordinance. Others spoke stating that they did not like the idea of having to pay for a permit. Ms. Bartl stated that the permit fee was to help offset advertising costs that the Town incurs for the Town Wide Garage Sale. There was other discussion concerning the legality of the ordinance by Mr. Bayford as well as other discussion pertaining to the ordinance. After all voices were heard, President Kessler closed the public hearing.


Approval of July 17, 2013 meeting minutes:

Mr. Malcolm made a motion to approve the minutes for the meetings of July 17, 2013. Mr. Pepple seconded and the minutes were approved, 3-0.  


Approval of Claims and Payroll Vouchers:

Payroll Dockets #15 & 16 as well as Claims Vouchers dated for August 7, 2013 in the amount of $166,685.57 were approved.


Public Comment:

Denise Geiger explained to the Council that she came home and found her sidewalk ripped out. She informed the Council that she had not signed an agreement pertaining to the Sidewalk Enhancement Project. Ms. Bartl stated that she was on the list from last year, to which Ms. Geiger responded that she never signed a formal agreement. She just asked Mr. Hart for a quote and after she received it, she did not sign up as she felt that she could get a replacement cheaper. Mr. Pepple asked Ms. Geiger if she had been notified. She stated she had not. Ms. Bartl stated that she did not inform Ms. Geiger that her sidewalk would be demolished as she was also uninformed of the demolition until earlier that day. The Council stated they would discuss the matter with Mr. Hart and Ms. Bartl stated she would have Mr. Hart call Ms. Geiger.


A couple (who was unidentified) who reside on Circle Drive also approached the Council to address the flooding on Circle Drive that has been occurring since the water line was put in last year. President Kessler explained that it was a county issue and if the county deemed it was caused by the construction crew, the company would take care of it. He advised the couple to seek assistance from the county.


Old Business:

Ordinance 2013-08 came up for second reading. Mr. Malcolm made a motion to table the Ordinance until the August 21 meeting so it could be reviewed by Mr. Felger. Mr. Pepple seconded the motion to table and the motion carried 3-0.


Mr. Pepple stated he had met with Kristy Sturtz to discuss the Strategic Plan and he felt that instead of making any cuts to the proposal Ms. Sturtz presented, that the Council should go ahead and accept her initial proposal. Mr. Pepple made a motion to accept the proposal. Mr. Malcolm seconded and the proposal was accepted, 3-0 in the amount of $20,000.


New Business:

Marshal Engle brought to Council a quote from Thomas Dodge for the purchase of a new police car. Marshal Engle stated that the Dodge Charger would replace Officer Swinehart’s car. Swinehart’s 2008 Ford would become a spare car and the current spare car would be cleaned out and sold. Marshal Engle stated that next year, he was interested in purchasing a Dodge Durango to replace his car. President Kessler told Council that the maintenance costs of the older cars like Marshal Engle’s and the 2004 Crown Victoria were becoming an issue, so replacing those cars now and making the 2008 Ford the spare would drastically reduce costs. Mr. Bayford asked Marshal Engle how many police cars the Town had. President Kessler stated that the Town has 5. Mr. Bayford stated that he didn’t think that 5 cars was necessary for a town our size. President Kessler stated that was a discussion for another time. Mr. Malcolm made a motion to accept the quote from Thomas Dodge for $23,192. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 3-0.


President Kessler informed the other Council members that the Wellhead Protection Plan had been completed and assembled. Mr. Malcolm made a motion to accept the updated Wellhead Protection Plan. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 3-0.


President Kessler brought to Council the C&A/BRC access road project. He stated that he had been coordinating with the County and the EDC on developing a TIF district to help pay for the project. President Kessler felt it would make the most sense to allow the County creates the TIF district. He explained further that the Town would coordinate with the County on how to best use the TIF money and that all TIF money collected in the district would stay in the district. Mr. Malcolm felt that having the County takes care of forming and maintaining the district would make sense. Mr. Pepple also felt the same way and the Council agreed to allow the County to create and maintain a district.


Department Reports:

Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor:

Mr. Hart was not present but left the attached report.


Michael Engle, Town Marshal:

Marshal Engle stated he would be attending training August 14 & 15.  


Rick Krider, Park Supervisor:

Mr. Krider was not present.


Ron Felger, Town Attorney:

Mr. Felger was not present at the meeting.


Council Reports:

President Frank Kessler:

President Kessler reported that he and Ms. Bartl had met with Frontier to discuss the possibility of getting business fiber optics made available in Churubusco. Mr. Bayford asked if they would be offering residential Fios. Ms. Bartl stated that Frontier was not interested in offering that product at this time.


Alan Malcolm:

Mr. Malcolm had nothing to report.


Mark Pepple:

Mr. Pepple had reported that he attended an EMA meeting. He also stated he would follow up with Ms. Sturtz concerning the Strategic Plan and hoped to have a meeting with Main Street Committee representatives to help piece that part of the plan together.




Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer:

Ms. Bartl stated that she met with George from the DLGF and the budget was complete. She would be advertising it in the next couple of weeks with the first hearing occurring September 18 and the adoption held October 1.


Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, President Kessler adjourned the regular meeting.


Immediately following the regular meeting the Council held an executive session to discuss possibly purchasing property adjacent to the Park.



Council President, Frank Kessler



Council Member, Alan Malcolm



Council Member, Mark Pepple









Madalyn Sade-Bartl/Clerk-Treasurer

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