Meeting Minutes- July 2, 2014
The Churubusco Town Council met on July 2, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Members present were President Frank Kessler, Council Member Alan Malcolm, and Clerk-Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Also in attendance were area residents Pat Liggett and Pat Stanford; Katie Wagner, Churubusco News; Tim Misiora, Post & Mail; and Town Marshal, Mike Engle.
Council President Frank Kessler called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called by the Clerk. All members were present.
Approval of June 18, 2014 meeting minutes:
Mr. Malcolm made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Kessler seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
Approval of Claims and Payroll Vouchers:
Claims Vouchers dated for July 2, 2014 in the amount of $96,838.30 were approved.
Public Comment:
Pat Stanford wondered if the Town was going to plant trees along roads which have no trees. President Kessler stated that the Town was currently just replacing those trees that the Town was taking down, but that was not to say there may be some grants available to do such a project. Ms. Bartl stated she would look for grants for that project and to replace the trees at the Park.
Old Business:
At the June 18th meeting, the Council approved to vacate alleyways along property owned by Pat & Judy McGuire. However, they approval had to be in ordinance form. Ms. Bartl presented to Council Ordinance 2014-09: An Ordinance Declaring a Vacation of Public Alleys. Mr. Malcolm made a motion to accept the ordinance as written, President Kessler seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
New Business:
The Town recently received numerous complaints concerning the use of fireworks within Town limits. However, since the Town did not have an updated fireworks ordinance, the police department was enforcing the state statute which allowed fireworks to be used any time prior to 11 p.m. The Council and the Police Department felt that this should be changed. Mr. Malcolm made a motion to introduce Ordinance 2014-08: An Ordinance Restricting the Use of Consumer Fireworks with President Kessler seconding the motion. President Kessler stated that since there was a penalty associated with the ordinance a public hearing would have to be held. The Public Hearing would be held prior to the regularly scheduled board meeting on July 16.
Department Reports:
Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor:
Mr. Hart was not present but left the attached report.
Bob Gray, Waste Water Treatment Plant Supervisor
Mr. Gray was not present.
Michael Engle, Town Marshal:
Marshal Engle stated that during the recent construction, three minor accidents had occurred.
Rick Krider, Park Supervisor:
Mr. Krider was not present but had relayed a report to Ms. Bartl. She stated that construction on the back restrooms would finally begin the following week.
Ron Felger, Town Attorney:
Mr. Felger was not present.
Council Reports:
President Frank Kessler:
President Kessler reported that he had attended the EDC roundtable and all three Whitley County communities were progressing with projects. He also stated that Main Street had received a response concerning the Indiana Main Street grant and they were not approved. However, there was still a very good chance the OCRA grant would be approved and the projects outlined in the Indiana Main Street grant were also in the OCRA grant. The Town should receive a response on the OCRA grant by August 22.
Alan Malcolm:
Mr. Malcolm had nothing to report.
Mark Pepple:
Mr. Pepple was not present.
Madalyn Sade-Bartl:
Ms. Bartl had nothing to report.
Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, President Kessler adjourned the regular meeting.
Council President, Frank Kessler
Council Member, Alan Malcolm
Council Member, Mark Pepple
Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer