Minutes- 8/20/14

Meeting Minutes- August 20, 2014


The Churubusco Town Council met on August 20, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Members present were President Frank Kessler, Council Members Alan Malcolm and Mark Pepple, and Clerk-Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Also in attendance were area residents Pat Liggett, and Jean Haynes; Bill Etzler, Engineering Resources; Katie Wagner, Churubusco News; Tim Misiora, Post & Mail; Wastewater Superintendant, Bob Gray; Park Superintendant, Rick Krider; and Town Marshal, Mike Engle.


Council President Frank Kessler called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called by the Clerk. All members were present.


Approval of August 6, 2014 meeting minutes:

Mr. Malcolm made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 3-0.


Approval of Claims and Payroll Vouchers:

Claims Vouchers dated for August 6, 2014 in the amount of $114,188.77 were approved.


Public Comment:

There were no public comments.


Old Business:

There was no old business.


New Business:

Ms. Bartl presented to Council four proposals for engineering services for the Safe Routes to School project. She explained that these proposals would be reviewed by a selection committee and the selection would then be brought to the Council at a later date. The Council needed to choose who the other two representatives would be on the selection committee along with Ms. Bartl as she was the ERC on the project. The Council chose Mark Pepple and Jeremy Hart to fill those spots.


Department Reports:

Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor:

Mr. Hart was not present.


Bob Gray, Waste Water Treatment Plant Supervisor

Mr. Gray reported all the necessary reports had been filed with the State and reported the Town had passed their quality report. President Kessler asked about the grease issue the plant has been having over the past few years and Mr. Gray stated he had been stuck in the lab and had not had a chance to visit every business to investigate their grease traps. Mr. Gray also commented on a couple items on his report concerning razz pumps and raw pumps. The razz pumps, he said, had never been right and the flow meters were not installed correctly. He was obtaining bids to correct those issues. The raw pumps have been at peak level even during low flow. By replacing those pumps, they could solve bypass issues.


Michael Engle, Town Marshal:

Marshal Engle reported the sign that the Town installed at the basketball courts had been stolen. Mr. Krider stated he had asked the basketball players and none of them confessed to taking it. President Kessler asked Marshal Engle if they had any leads on the thefts that were occurring throughout the community. Marshal Engle stated they had a good idea of who was doing it, but not enough to file a case.


Rick Krider, Park Supervisor:

Mr. Krider reported that the water line had been installed in the new building at the Park and the guys were still working on installing the sewer line. They were also having some issues with getting power to the building. He was hoping they could pull from the transformer. He was going to contact I&M about that later in the week.


Ron Felger, Town Attorney:

Mr. Felger was not present.


Council Reports:

President Frank Kessler:

President Kessler stated the OCRA grant would be released on Friday. He stated that even in Churubusco did not receive a grant, they were going to release supplemental grants in the fall and we would be applying for one of those if we needed to. He also reported that he had attended an EDC meeting. In the EDC meeting, it was discussed that Main Street organizations in their communities could possibly be used to recruit new business to areas.


 Alan Malcolm:

Mr. Malcolm had nothing to report from his recent solid waste meeting.




Mark Pepple:

Mr. Pepple reported that the next strategic plan meeting would be the first week of September.


Madalyn Sade-Bartl:

Ms. Bartl reported the Town and the Chamber were teaming up on several events in the upcoming weeks. The first would be a movie night held on Saturday night at 8. They were also planning a Block Party and Karaoke Contest on September 6. She stated the Town Wide Garage Sale was set for the last weekend in September and finally, Halloweenfest would be held on October 25. President Kessler commended the area merchants for getting out and getting active in the community and praised Ms. Bartl for being a part of that activity.


Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, President Kessler adjourned the regular meeting.




Council President, Frank Kessler



Council Member, Alan Malcolm



Council Member, Mark Pepple








Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer


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