Minutes 4/6/16

Meeting Minutes-April 6, 2016


The Churubusco Town Council met on April 6, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Members present were President Frank Kessler, Council Members Mark Pepple and Bruce Johnson, and Clerk- Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Also in attendance were area residents Pat Stanford, Pat Liggett, John & Cathy Hart, Wayne Yager, Jera Kessler, and Garry Jones; Nick Rupert, Post & Mail; Vivian Sade, Churubusco News; Town Supervisor, Jeremy Hart; Park Superintendent, Rick Krider; Wastewater Superintendent, Bob Gray; and Town Marshal, Mike Engle.


Council President Kessler called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called by the Clerk-Treasurer. All members were present.


Approval of March 16, 2016 meeting minutes:

Mr. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes for the meeting of March 16, 2016. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 2-0 with Mr. Pepple abstaining.


Approval of Claims and Payroll Vouchers:

Claims Vouchers dated for April 6, 2016 in the amount of $114,378.36 were approved.


Public Comment:

Wayne Yager asked why Indiana Michigan Power felt the school crossing light was a low priority as the light had been out for over three weeks following the pole falling down on Whitley Street. Marshal Engle stated he had been in contact with I&M and work orders had been submitted. President Kessler stated he had a contact at I&M and would see if he could get the work order moved up on the priority list.


Old Business:

  1. Stellar Communities- President Kessler stated that, although we had received compliments on the projects outlined within the letter of interest, Churubusco was not selected as a finalist for Stellar Communities.


New Business:

  1. Resolution to create a storm water fund: Ms. Bartl presented Resolution 2016-05, A Resolution to Transfer Funds and Create a New Fund for the Purpose of Stormwater Disbursements. The Resolution would create a fund for the new stormwater fee charge that would be on the June 1st bills. Mr. Pepple made a motion to accept the resolution as presented. Mr. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.


  1. Recognition of John Hart: President Kessler stated he would like to recognize longtime town employee, John Hart, for his thirty years of service with the Town. Hart started with the Town on March 28, 1986 and has been employed as an officer, a council member, and most recently a utility employee since then. Hart was presented with a watch, a gift card for Hall’s Restaurants, and a plaque.


Department Reports:

Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor

Mr. Hart presented the attached report. President Kessler asked if the Greenwood project was underway and he stated they had completed some exploratory work, but construction had not begun.


Bob Gray, Waste Water Treatment Plant Supervisor

Mr. Gray reported that the Waste Water Plant was running well and the Windsor Drive project had been completed.


Michael Engle, Town Marshal:

Marshal Engle reported the new security system was being installed and the new Charger would be available in 3-4 weeks.


Rick Krider, Park Supervisor:

Mr. Krider stated the Easter Egg Hunt had been a huge success with over 1300 people attending the event.


Ron Felger, Town Attorney:

Mr. Felger was not present.


Council Reports:

President Frank Kessler:

Mr. Kessler stated Main Street had installed most of the benches downtown and they were planning a dedication ceremony on May 4th at 2 pm at the Point with a reception to follow at the Scout Building.


Bruce Johnson:

Mr. Johnson had nothing to report.


Mark Pepple:

Mr. Pepple stated Indiana Homeland Security would be having a road show at Peabody Library.


Madalyn Sade-Bartl:

Ms. Sade-Bartl reported the installation of a new server for the Government Center was complete. She also stated the RFP for trees was complete and she would be distributing it to firms on Thursday.


Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, President Kessler adjourned the regular meeting.




Council President, Frank Kessler



Council Member, Bruce Johnson



Council Member, Mark Pepple





Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer

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