Meeting Minutes- August 17, 2016
The Churubusco Town Council met on August 17, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Members present were President Frank Kessler, Council Members Mark Pepple and Bruce Johnson, and Deputy Clerk- Treasurer, Kari Shively. Also in attendance was area residents Pat Liggett, Deb Pott, Jera Kessler, Julie Lowe, Barb Young, Chuck Wymer, Joan Scherschel, and Pat Stanford; Nicole Minier, Churubusco News; Rachael Rosfeld, The Post & Mail; Jenna Rosswurm, Turtle Days; Town Supervisor, Jeremy Hart; Park Superintendent, Rick Krider; and Town Marshal, Mike Engle.
Council President Kessler called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called by the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. All members were present except Clerk-Treasurer Madalyn Sade-Bartl.
Approval of August 3, 2016 meeting minutes:
Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve the minutes for the meeting of August 3, 2016. Mr. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
Approval of Claims and Payroll Vouchers:
Claims Vouchers dated for August 17, 2016 in the amount of $118,378.06 were approved.
Public Comment:
Deb Pott, Greenwood Dr. resident of Sunny Slope addition, wanted to know why the stone was taken out and grass put in as resident’s are not happy this took place. Mr. Hart stated one resident requested grass put in and that is why it was changed to grass. Mr. Hart also stated none of the other residents came out and said anything when the grass was being put in. Chuck Wymer, Greenwood Dr. resident of Sunny Slope addition, stated he wants the grass area back to stone also & has put stone down himself in the area for years. President Kessler stated the Town needs to do what is best for majority & the Town & asked Mr. Hart to put the grass area back to stone.
Old Business:
1. Update on Annexation Study: Kristi Sturtz stated she has the initial research done for the South end of Town that is not currently served with water and sewer. Ms. Sturtz provided the Council with a copy of her report. Ms. Sturtz stated she believes it needs to be a partnership between the Town and the residents and how the needs of the residents are addressed. Ms. Sturtz recommended that if the Town wanted to move forward, it is best to maximize grant opportunities. President Kessler stated the Council needs more time to look over Ms. Sturtz’s report, digest the report, and then discuss further.
2. Quotes on park restroom remodel: Rick Krider, Park Superintendent, provided the Council with a copy of a quote from Mercy Tree Company for restroom remodel at the park. Mr. Krider reported the quote has increased from three months ago. Mr. Krider stated he called the references from the RLP quote and all of the references he spoke with highly recommended RLP and the price did not change in their quote. Mr. Johnson made a motion to accept the quote from RLP in the amount of $15,025.00. Mr. Pepple seconded the motion and the motion carried 3-0.
3. Open Police Officer position: Town Marshal Engle reported the Department received one application internally and it was from Officer Dustin Papenbrock. Marshal Engle stated Officer Papenbrock’s official start date would be September 12th. Marshal Engle would like the OK from the Council to get him started. Mr. Pepple made a motion to offer the new officer position to Officer Papenbrock. Mr. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
New Business:
1. Turtle Days Association: Jenna Rosswurm from Turtle Days gave a general rundown of income and expenses to the Council for this year’s festival. Ms. Rosswurm presented a check to the Town Council from Turtle Days for a donation of $1,000.00 for park projects that Mr. Krider is doing back at the park. Ms. Rosswurm stated Turtle Days was able to give $428.00 to the Youth Foundation and 2 – $500.00 scholarships. Ms. Rosswurm also stated Turtle Days was in the hole with Fireworks. Mr. Pepple stated to Ms. Rosswurm that Turtle Days has done a tremendous job of communicating with the Town Council and the Council will talk with Mr. Krider to see where to use the money and communicate back with Turtle Days. President Kessler congratulated Ms. Rosswurm on a successful year and for providing the Town with a financial report. President Kessler stated to Ms. Rosswurm that the Council will ensure the donation goes to a project at the Park and not utilities. Ms. Rosswurm stated as a service project, Turtle Days will be helping Mr. Krider with the deck near the wetlands.
Department Reports:
Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor
Mr. Hart was present and left the attached report.
Bob Gray, Waste Water Treatment Plant Supervisor
Mr. Gray was not present but Mr. Hart reported everything was running well at the plant.
Michael Engle, Town Marshal:
Marshal Engle reported the new police car was in and he would be picking it up on Tuesday.
Rick Krider, Park Supervisor:
Mr. Krider provided the Town Council with 4 quotes for a new mower for back at the Park. Mr. Krider reported there was nothing local that was comparable to the Grasshopper or Woods mower. Mr. Pepple asked Mr. Krider which mower he recommended. Mr. Krider stated he recommends the Woods mower. Mr. Pepple made a motion for the park to purchase the Woods Mower from Truelove Brothers for a purchase price of $9,389.00. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and the motion carried 3-0.
Ron Felger, Town Attorney:
Mr. Felger was not present.
Council Reports:
President Frank Kessler:
President Kessler reported he had attended the neighborhood meeting on Monday evening that Keller Development held regarding a proposed senior apartment complex along Mulberry and Pleasant streets. President Kessler reported the property is owned by Dick and Sara Conrow.
Bruce Johnson:
Mr. Johnson reported he attended the Turtle Days meeting and everything looks good and it was talked about the possibility of moving the parade start time to 4:00 p.m. He also reported he was impressed with how Turtle Days went. .
Mark Pepple:
Mr. Pepple had nothing to report.
Madalyn Sade-Bartl:
Ms. Sade-Bartl was absent but Ms. Shively to report Ms. Sade-Bartl has been working hard on Block Party preparations. Ms. Sade-Bartl also attended the Tree Steward Training and learned a lot and stated it was amazing. Ms. Sade-Bartl also asked M. Shively to report she has been working on letters of interest for the playground for the Youth Foundation and still needs letters of support. Ms. Sade-Bartl also wanted the Council to know that Alta, the part-time office help, is gone and the office did not get an ICE student this year.
Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, President Kessler adjourned the regular meeting.
Council President, Frank Kessler
Council Member, Bruce Johnson
Council Member, Mark Pepple
Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer