Minutes- 2/19/2020

Meeting Minutes – February 19, 2020


The Churubusco Town Council met on February 19, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Members present were Council Members Bruce Johnson and Nathan Van Horn, and Clerk-Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Also in attendance was Karl Tanner; Pat Liggett; Nicole Minier, Churubusco News; Town Marshal, Dustin Papenbrock; Town Supervisor, Jeremy Hart; and Wastewater Superintendent, Bob Gray.


Council Vice-President Bruce Johnson called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called by the Clerk. President Mark Pepple was absent.


Approval of Claims and Payroll Vouchers:

Claims Vouchers dated February 19, 2020 in the amount of $123,336.81 were presented and approved.


Public Comment:

There were no public comments.


Old Business:

  1. 1.      RFQ for Preliminary Engineering: Mr. Johnson stated the review committee had narrowed the seven firms to three, and the majority of the committee felt DLZ was the best choice given the firm’s price, timeframe, and history with the Town. Mr. Van Horn stated he would like to see further discussion of which firm to choose. He said his biggest concern is addressing the I&I fixed. He worried that rushing the decision or choosing the cheapest option without really combing through the proposals may overlook some of those items. He was also concerned the committee was not in total agreement with who to choose. Mr. Johnson stated Mr. Gray liked Tanner. When asked why, Gray stated it was because Tanner was not a salesman and knew how a plant operated and he felt representatives from DLZ were just selling things we may or may not need. Ms. Bartl and Mr. Hart chimed in with their thoughts and reminded the Council this was just a report. They both felt when it went out for construction engineering, that would be the time to interview and spend more time discussing the exact project, but for this phase, this was simply exploratory. More discussion occurred before Mr. Johnson making a motion to approve DLZ’s proposal for preliminary engineering at a cost of $12,000. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion carried 2-0.
  2. 2.      Approval of Asset Log Updates: Ms. Bartl presented an updated asset log to the Council for review and approval. Mr. Johnson made a motion to approve the updates. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion carried 2-0.

New Business:


There was no new business.


Department Reports:

Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor:

Mr. Hart presented the attached report. He stated the Park was working on cleaning the pole barn and concession stand.


Bob Gray, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor

Mr. Gray the plant was empty for the first time since October.



Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshal:

Marshal Papenbrock reported he had conducted the 1st round of interviews and would be doing second round interviews soon.


Rick Krider, Park Supervisor:

Mr. Krider was not present.


Ron Felger, Town Attorney:

Mr. Felger was not present.


Council Reports:

President Mark Pepple:

President Pepple was not present.


Bruce Johnson:

Mr. Johnson had nothing to report.


Nathan Van Horn:

Mr. Van Horn stated he and Ms. Bartl had attended Newly Elected Official’s training the previous week and he learned a lot.


Madalyn Sade-Bartl:

Ms. Sade-Bartl stated she had submitted the CCMG grant and a stop-arm violation grant for Marshal Papenbrock. Marshal Papenbrock expounded on the application, which led him to mention that Ms. Bartl was working on grants for new radios, too. He stated the Sheriff’s Department had just purchased new 800 radios, and he feels that is the what the County would be requiring very soon. He stated he would like to possibly forego the purchase of a new police car and instead get the radios purchased before we would be forced to purchase them and not have the funds to do so.


Ms. Bartl continued her report and stated she had to have the annual report in by Friday to meet publishing deadlines and she was going to the Statehouse on Thursday to speak against HB 1165.


Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, President Pepple adjourned the regular meeting.





Council President, Mark Pepple



Council Member, Bruce Johnson




Council Member, Nathan Van Horn

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