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Meeting Minutes – December 4, 2024
The Churubusco Town Council met on December 4, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall. Members present were council members Devin Keener and Mark Pepple; and Clerk-Treasurer Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Others present were Robert Gray, Wastewater Operator; Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshall; and citizens Kristy Riggs, Roxanne Wells, Carolyn Bonar, Dave Denton, Alisha Hackett, Gage Shively, Lisa Fensler, AJ Neireiter, and Kayla Crance.
Council member Mark Pepple called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk called roll. Council member Nathan Van Horn was absent.
PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution 2024-16: Additional Appropriations
Mr. Pepple opened the public hearing. Ms. Bartl explained Resolution 2024-16. After no public comment, Mr. Pepple closed the public hearing.
Approval of meeting minutes for November 20, 2024:
Meeting minutes for November 20, 2024 were tabled.
Approval of claims and payroll vouchers:
Claims vouchers dated December 4, 2024 in the amount of $248,852.09 were presented and approved.
Public Comment:
Gage Shively expressed concern because when appropriated funds for the water treatment plant were discussed, a financial report was not pulled up in that moment.
Old Business:
1. Resolution 2024-16: Additional Appropriations – Mr. Keener made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-16. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
2. Ordinance 2024-17: Easement Encroachment Process – Mr. Boxberger explained this ordinance was introduced at the last meeting and advised that it provides the homeowner more protection than they have now. Roxanne Wells asked for verification of where the easement is. Kristy Riggs asked about the edits they had proposed and why none of them had been implemented. Mr. Boxberger told her that he had advised against the edits to the town council. After more discussion with members of the community, Mr. Keener made a motion to approve Ordinance 2024-17. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
New Business:
1. Approval of Pay App 12 – API – Projects C&D Wastewater Collection System and Water Main Extension – $169,062.03: Ms. Bartl reviewed Pay App 12 with the council members. Mr. Keener made a motion to approve Pay App 12. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
2. Approval of Change Order #2 – Projects C&D Wastewater Collection System and Water Main Extension – Ms. Bartl explained the change order. Mr. Keener made a motion to approve Change Order #2. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
3. Introduction of Ordinance 2024-18: 2025 Salary Ordinance – Ms. Bartl explained the changes in Ordinance 2024-18. Mr. Keener made a motion to introduce Ordinance 2024-18. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
Department Reports:
Jeremy Hart, Water/Street Department:
Mr. Hart was not present but provided the council with the attached report.
Bob Gray, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor:
Mr. Gray advised MRO and land app were in and the plant was running fine.
Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshall:
Mr. Papenbrock presented a quote for a car. He does not want a truck, and a Durango would be the next best. He advised he received a few additional job applications. He said Fort Wayne city is not allowed to work part time and the Whitley County Sheriff Department is struggling to find enough help as well. He provided an update on the Shop with a Cop program. They have raised over $4,000 and are going to be able to help 28 kids on the 16th, which is a little more than last year.
Rick Krider, Park Superintendent:
Mr. Krider was not present, but Ms. Bartl provided an update for the park. She advised the funds for the diamond four scoreboard were raised through Rotary, Youth League, and private donors.
Andy Boxberger, Town Attorney:
Mr. Boxberger had nothing to report.
Council Reports:
Devin Keener:
Mr. Keener had nothing to report.
Mark Pepple:
Mr. Pepple had nothing to report.
Nathan Van Horn:
Mr. Van Horn was not present.
Madalyn Sade-Bartl:
Ms. Bartl presented the attached report.
Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, Mr. Pepple adjourned the regular meeting.
Council President, Mark Pepple
Council Member, Devin Keener
Council Member, Nathan Van Horn
Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer