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Meeting Minutes – January 15th, 2025
The Churubusco Town Council met on January 15, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall. Members present were council members Devin Keener, Mark Pepple, and Nathan Van Horn; and Clerk-Treasurer Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Others present were Zach Geiger, Wastewater Operator; Rick Krider, Park Superintendent; and citizens Margaret Ward, Tina Herendeen, Kyle Edlund, Michael Carlin, Lorraine Shanabarger, Bruce Shanabarger, Sonna Myers, Stephanie Krider, Kayla Crance, Jennifer Hosler, Gage Shively, Kristy Riggs, Lisa Fensler and Tim Fensler.
Council member Nathan Van Horn called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors. Cub Scout Troop 3081 led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk called roll. All members were present.
ECNROACHMENT AGREEMENT HEARINGS: 765 N Turtle Run (T. Herendeen), 804 N. Turtle Run (Krider), 938 W. Wheatfield (Ward), 821 N. Wheatfield (Fike), 831 N. Turtle (Reihing), 910 Meadow Way (Bischoff), 857 N. Turtle Run (Swearer), 944 W. Wheatfield (Turtle Town Plaza Rentals), 953 Wheatfield (Crigger), 979 W. Wheatfield (Carlin), 915 Wheatfield (Shanabarger): Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve all but 915 Wheatfield. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
Approval of meeting minutes for November 20, 2024 and December 4, 2024:
Meeting minutes for December 18, 2024 were presented. Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve December 18, 2024 meeting minutes. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
Approval of claims and payroll vouchers:
Claims vouchers dated January 15, 2025 were presented and approved in the amount of $1,049,423.68.
Public Comment:
Kayla Crance made a comment about the online feed buffering.
Sonna Meyers asked about getting sidewalks at Vandalia. Ms. Bartl said this is something they have been talking about for years but need easements.
Old Business:
1. Appointment of Wastewater Superintendent – Ms. Bartl and Mr. Van Horn said they met with Zach Geiger and went over expectations for the position. Mr. Pepple made a motion to appoint Zach Geiger as the Wastewater Superintendent. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
New Business:
1. Approval of 2025 Solid Waste MOU – Ms. Bartl explained the 2025 Solid Waste MOU. Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve the 2025 Solid Waste MOU. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 2-0.
2. Approval of Pay App 12-API-Project B: Pump Station Upgrades – Ms. Bartle explained the pay app. Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve Pay App 12 in the amount of $183,974.83. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
3. Approval of Pay App 23-Crosby-Project A: Wastewater Plant Upgrades – Ms. Bartl went over the pay app. Mr. Keener made a motion to approve Pay App 23. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
4. Approval of Contract Extension – Project B – Ms. Bartl explained the contract extension. Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve the contract extension for Project B. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
5. 2025 RDC Reappointments – Mr. Van Horn declared Lisa Fensler and Rachel Eyerman as RDC reappointments. He also declared Deb Fitzcharles as the president appointment. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve Stacy Keener and Nathan Van Horn as RDC appointments. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
6. Library Board Appointment – Ms. Bartl explained. Mr. Keener made a motion to approve. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
7. DLZ Service Contract – 2025 – Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve the 2025 DLZ Service Contract. Mr. Keener seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
8. Baker Tilly Engagement Letter – Turtle Meadows – Ms. Bartl explained the Baker Tilly Engagement letter. Mr. Keener made a motion to approve the Baker Tilly Engagement Letter. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 3-0.
9. Approval of grinder upgrade and installation – Turtle Town Plaza – Ms. Bartl explained and said they need another quote. The council decided to table the issue.
Department Reports:
Jeremy Hart, Water/Street Department:
Mr. Hart was not present but provided the council with the attached report.
Zach Geiger, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor:
Mr. Geiger advised everything was running well.
Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshall:
Mr. Papenbrock was not present
Rick Krider, Park Superintendent:
Mr. Krider said everything was going well at the park. He thanked the utility department for keeping the trails plowed. He also advised the diamond four scoreboard came in.
Andy Boxberger, Town Attorney:
Mr. Boxberger had nothing to report.
Council Reports:
Devin Keener:
Mr. Keener had nothing to report.
Mark Pepple:
Mr. Pepple had nothing to report.
Nathan Van Horn:
Mr. Van Horn had nothing to report.
Madalyn Sade-Bartl:
Ms. Bartl brought up CCMG planning. Mr. Van Horn said if everyone is on board they can schedule another meeting about the library.
Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, Mr. Van Horn adjourned the regular meeting.
Council President, Nathan Van Horn
Council Member, Devin Keener
Council Member, Mark Pepple
Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer