Town Council Agenda for: February 19, 2025, 6:00 p.m. 215 Home Avenue, Churubusco
(The meeting will be broadcast live via the Town’s Facebook page)
Call to order, welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, and Roll Call
Approval of meeting minutes: February 5, 2025
Approval of claims and payroll vouchers:
Public Comments (Comments are limited to 3 minutes each):
Old Business:
1. Ordinance 2025-03: Turtle Meadows Bond
2. Update on Library project
New Business:
1. Approval of CCMG contract
2. Approval of Crosby contract extension and change order
3. Approval of labor standards change order
4. Approval of Pay App- Sewer Project
5. Discussion of Turtle Meadow READI grant
6. Approval of plat map- Zueshow
Department Reports:
Water/Street Department: Jeremy Hart
Wastewater Treatment Plant: Zach Geiger
Town Marshal: Dustin Papenbrock
Park Superintendent: Rick Krider
Town Attorney: Andrew Boxberger
Council Reports:
Mark Pepple: Nathan Van Horn: Devin Keener:
Chief of Staff/Clerk-Treasurer Report: Madalyn Sade-Bartl