Council Meeting Minutes- 11/1/2023

Regular Meeting Minutes –November 1, 2023

The Churubusco Town Council met on November 1, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Members present were council members Devin Keener, Mark Pepple, and Nathan Van Horn; and Clerk-Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Others present were residents Lisa Fensler, Stacy Keener, Cass Hirschy, & Brian Clark; Holly Miller, DLZ Engineering; and Sewer Superintendent, Bob Gray.
President Keener called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk called roll. All members were present.

Approval of Minutes- October 18, 2023
Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve the minutes for October 18, 2023 as presented. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

Approval of Claims:
Claims Vouchers dated November 1, 2023 in the amount of $2,045,827.55 were presented and approved.

Public Comment:
Cass Hirschy presented information on memorial banners she had collected. She asked if this was something the Council had considered doing. Mr. Van Horn stated it had been brought up about a year ago, but nothing more was said. Mrs. Hirschy stated she felt the VFW and Legion would assist in marketing the sale of the banners. The Council took the information she provided and stated they’d have further discussions concerning the project.

Old Business:
1. Second Reading of Ordinance 2023-14: 2024 Salary Ordinance: Ms. Bartl stated she had not heard from the Council of any changes that needed to be made to the ordinance since it was introduced at the October 18 meeting. The Council brought no other changes during the meeting. Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-14 as presented. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

New Business:
1. Approval of Pay Application and Change Order #1- Wastewater Project: Holly Miller from DLZ was present and explained the work within the pay application for Crosby and the need for the Change Order. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve Change Order #1 and Pay Application #8 from Crosby as presented. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

2. First Reading- Ordinance 2023-15: Additional Appropriations: Ms. Bartl explained another additional appropriation ordinance would need to be approved or she would need to use much of the Rainy Day fund to supplement the PSLIT and General funds. She stated unexpected legal expenses, police overtime, and police car repairs had depleted the 2023 budget. She did warn these additions could impact the 2024 budget, but would not know for sure until the state had completed their review. Mr. Pepple made a motion to submit Ordinance 2023-15 for first reading. Mr. Van Horn seconded, and the motion carried 3-0. Ms. Bartl stated a public hearing would be held on December 6.

3. Plow Quotes: Ms. Bartl presented the Council with quotes for a new plow attachment to use with the newest dump truck. Mr. Van Horn made a motion to approve the quote from Truland Equipment John Deere for $10,850.00. Mr. Pepple seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

Department Reports:
Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor:
Mr. Hart was not present, but left the attached report.

Bob Gray, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor:
Mr. Gray stated everything was running fine and the reports were in.

Dustin Papenbrock, Town Marshall:
Mr. Papenbrock was not present.

Rick Krider, Park Superintendent:
Mr. Krider was not present.

Andy Boxberger, Town Attorney:
Mr. Boxberger was not present.

Council Reports:
Mark Pepple:
Mr. Pepple asked Ms. Bartl if the Drainage Board was moving forward with increased assessments for the Rapp Ditch. She stated they were and she was told notices of the public hearing to be held on November 20 were being mailed that day. Mr. Pepple also asked her about getting reimbursed by Surf for damage caused by the boring crews. She stated Andy was taking care of it, but she was having problems getting answers from John Forker as to which invoices were related to the damage. She stated she would follow up with him again.

Devin Keener:
President Keener had nothing to report.

Nathan Van Horn:
Mr. Van Horn had nothing to report.

Madalyn Sade-Bartl:
Ms. Sade-Bartl presented the attached report.
Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, President Keener adjourned the regular meeting.

Council President, Devin Keener

Council Member, Mark Pepple

Council Member, Nathan Van Horn

Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer

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