Minutes- April 20, 2016

Meeting Minutes- April 20, 2016


The Churubusco Town Council met on April 20, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Members present were President Frank Kessler, Council Members Mark Pepple and Bruce Johnson, and Clerk- Treasurer, Madalyn Sade-Bartl. Also in attendance was area resident Pat Liggett; Craig Wagner, Whitley County Planning and Building Department; Nick Rupert, Post & Mail; Vivian Sade, Churubusco News; Wastewater Superintendent, Bob Gray; and Town Marshal, Mike Engle.


Council President Kessler called the meeting to order, welcomed visitors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called by the Clerk-Treasurer. All members were present.


Approval of April 6 & April 19, 2016 meeting minutes:

Mr. Pepple made a motion to approve the minutes for the meetings of April 6, 2016 and April 19, 2016. Mr. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.


Approval of Claims and Payroll Vouchers:

Claims Vouchers dated for April 20, 2016 in the amount of $153,286.97 were approved.


Public Comment:

Pat Liggett voiced concerns over the shelving located in front of Shroyer’s. She felt it was a safety hazard and that it created a visual distraction from the improvements made downtown. President Kessler stated he was unaware the shelving had been set up, but would talk to the owners about it.


Old Business:

There was no old business.


New Business:

  1. Building Department- Craig Wagner: Mr. Wagner approached the Council with an update of an unsafe building complaint at 308 N. Mulberry St. Wagner stated that because notification had not been given in time, the public hearing would have to be rescheduled for a later date. The house, which has set vacant for a few years, had numerous violations including sitting water in the basement, unsecure doors, and broken windows. He stated he would get the proper notification to the property owners and a public hearing would be schedule in a few weeks.


  1. INDOT Grant Application: Ms. Bartl informed Council that INDOT had announced a call for projects, due in mid-May. There was a project that had been identified in which she was hoping to apply. She presented the Council with cost estimates and preliminary drawings for a 5-foot walkway from 434 N. Line Street to Clingerman Avenue and along Clingerman from Line to Main Street. She stated this was a project that had been discussed in 2012 when the first Safe Routes to School application had been submitted and was also identified as a project in the Town’s recent Stellar submittal. President Kessler stated the route was very popular amongst walkers, joggers, and residents of the senior apartments. Mr. Johnson made a motion to apply for a grant through INDOT to construct sidewalks along Line and Clingerman. Mr. Pepple seconded and the motion carried 3-0.


  1. Utility Vehicle Quotes: Ms. Bartl presented the Council with quotes for a utility vehicle to be used for landscaping and other projects. President Kessler stated he had an issue with buying such an expensive vehicle for the amount of work it would be doing. Ms. Bartl explained there would be other uses such as snow removal, access to leaks that may be inaccessible by trucks, and future Park use. Mr. Pepple stated he was not saying no to the possibility of buying such a vehicle, but felt other options should be sought. President Kessler agreed and the issue was tabled.


  1. Codification: Ms. Bartl has recently met with a representative from American Legal Publishing concerning the codification of Town ordinances. She explained some of the services the company offered as well as gave examples of the numerous communities within the area who are customers. President Kessler voiced he felt this service was needed as our current code books had not been updated since 2009 and when they were put into digital form, they were not updated or put online. Mr. Pepple made a motion to enter into an agreement with American Legal Publishing in the amount of $6650. Mr. Johnson seconded and the motion carried 3-0.


Department Reports:

Jeremy Hart, Town Supervisor

Mr. Hart was not present but left the attached report.


Bob Gray, Waste Water Treatment Plant Supervisor

Mr. Gray stated the Plant was running well and the land application was complete. He also informed Council the assemblers would need replaced on Clingerman and Line.


Michael Engle, Town Marshal:

President Kessler asked Marshal Engle about the status of the camera installation. Engle stated they were in and working great.


Rick Krider, Park Supervisor:

Mr. Krider was not present. President Kessler stated he noticed the Park was getting very busy.


Ron Felger, Town Attorney:

Mr. Felger was not present.


Council Reports:

President Frank Kessler:

Mr. Kessler reported the Main Street dedication was occurring on Wednesday, May 4th at the Point with a reception to follow at the Scout Building. He also stated the Main Street organizations for the county had met in ‘Busco and there were two community calendars that were launching. Finally, he reminded the Council the Pork Chop Dinner was happening Saturday, April 30 at the Park.


Bruce Johnson:

Mr. Johnson had nothing to report.


Mark Pepple:

Mr. Pepple had nothing to report.


Madalyn Sade-Bartl:

Ms. Sade-Bartl reported she was sending a letter in the May 1st bills notifying customers of the addition of a storm water charge and the increase of sewer rates for non-town customers to try to alleviate any questions that may be posed once the fee is implemented. She also reported she had attended two OCRA meetings and had learned of some possible grant opportunities. President Kessler was reminded that he, Sade-Bartl, and Mr. Johnson had attended the IACT Roundtable earlier in the week and discussed road funding options. Ms. Bartl stated one requirement was to develop an asset plan and she and Mr. Hart would be attending a class presented by Indiana LTAP on the requirements and components of the plan.


Having no other business and after all proper papers were signed, President Kessler adjourned the regular meeting.




Council President, Frank Kessler



Council Member, Bruce Johnson



Council Member, Mark Pepple





Madalyn Sade-Bartl, Clerk-Treasurer

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